Training for Departmental Staff and others.
The training and extension centre of the Department viz. Institute for Watershed Development and Management, Kerala (IWDM-K) at Chadayamangalam has emerged as a nodal agency for imparting trainings not just for lay implementers but also for policy makers as well. It also serves the Programme Study Centre (PSC) of IGNOU, one year Diploma course on Watershed Management is offered through the institute in collaboration with Department of Land Resources of GOI. The centre is also designated as the outreach centre of the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad and Extension Education Institute (EEI), Hyderabad.
Application of Information Technology & Monitoring and Evaluation.
In tune with the Government policy of making Kerala a Digitally Governed State, the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation has started taking measures for the implementation of e-Office and e-Services in all its offices across the state. The scheme envisions the implementation of e-Office in all its offices across the state, offering e-Services to the citizens, strengthening the IT infrastructural facilities of the Department and strengthening the Monitoring & Evaluation Cell and IT cell in the Department.