The unscrupulous exploitation of earth’s natural resources has posed a threat to sustainability. The priority concern of the Department of Soil Survey & Soil conservation is to ensure that our dwindling natural resources are conserved today and preserved for posterity. Human existence demands this intervention. Water is the most critical input for agriculture. Sixty per cent of our farms are rainfed. Resource inventorization undertaken as part of soil survey activities throws light on the status of the natural resources, their limitations and ameliorative measures. Stress is now given for management of valuable resource trinity of soil, water and biomass through conceptualization of various soil and water conservation programmes. This also promotes in situ conservation and harvesting of rainwater for augmenting surface and ground water resources.
Major Soil Conservation Interventions carried out by the Department
The suitability of a soil conservation treatment depend on slope, rainfall (amount and distribution),soil type and depth, Water holding capacity, location of impervious layer, agricultural practices, land use/land cover, and economics.
I. Arable Land Treatment Measures |
The Department has been implementing various soil and water conservation measures in arable land like earthen bunds, stone pitched contour bunds, vegetative hedges, contour /staggered trenches, moisture conservation pits, etc to intercept rainfall where it falls and to obviate the chances of the runoff water from acquiring erosive velocities in arable land. |
Earthen Bunds |
Stone Pitched contour bunds |
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Graded bunds |
Graded bunds are adopted in areas having low infiltration (< 8 mm/hr) and more than 800 mm rainfall. Graded bunds are laid along pre-determined longitudinal grade instead of along the contours for safe disposal of excess runoff. Gradient given may vary from 0.4 t0 0.8%.(0.4 for light soils and 0.8 for heavy soils). |
Vegetative Hedges |
Runoff velocity can be reduced drastically by planting vegetative hedges, bunch grass, or shrubs on the contour at regular intervals .These hedges can increase the time for water to infiltrate into the soil and facilitate sedimentation and deposition of eroded material by reducing the carrying capacity of the overland flow. Vegetative hedges or narrow grass strips serve as porous filters. These hedges may not reduce runoff amount but can drastically decrease soil loss. |
Trenches |
Contour trenches are used both on hill slopes as well as on degraded and barren waste lands for soil and moisture conservation and afforestation purposes. The trenches break the slope and reduce the velocity of surface runoff. It can be used in all slopes irrespective of rainfall conditions (i.e., in both high and low rainfall conditions), varying soil types and depths. a) Contour trench Trenches are constructed as continuous across slope with 45-50 cm depth and bottom width and trapezoidal in shape b) Staggered r trench The length of trenches is kept short up to 2-3 m and are spacing is 5-7m. It is suited for medium rainfall areas with dissected topography. |
Strip Terrace |
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Moisture Conservation Pits |
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Agrostological measures |
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Agroforestry |
Agroforestry measures proposed include planting of woody perennials (Trees, Bamboo, Shrubs etc) wherever necessary to control soil erosion. These measures reduce erosive force of water through impeding effects of tree roots and through soil cover provided by the tree canopy and litter. These are potential enough to conserve soil and moisture in the area through a combination of mulching and shading |
II. Drainage Line Treatments |
Drainage channels/gullies are the carriers of runoff and sediment in watershed. Steep bed gradient (Slope) of a channel cause high runoff velocities with associated heavy sediment flow. Hence channel gradient needs to be reduced in order to being the runoff velocities within permissible limits. The Drainage Line treatments aim at betterment of the drainage lines and facilitate better local production environment of the concerned areas by providing the required basic infrastructure. Moderation of Floods and related damage, control of saline intrusion etc are the major areas which facilitate increased productivity. The Drainage Line treatments aim at betterment of the drainage lines and facilitate better local production environment of the concerned areas by providing the required basic infrastructure. Major items of works that can be taken up are given below. |
Check Dams |
Loose boulder check dam is constructed using locally available stones and other materials across the stream to reduce runoff velocity and to entrap the sediments. Masonry check dams are constructed across streams of heavy flow and high velocity. The construction cost is usually high and requires hydrologic and hydraulic designs. Gabion check dams are very much suitable for degraded locations like high rainfall areas with torrential streams/drainage lines to stabilize. |
Stream Bank Stabilization |
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Farm Ponds & Water Harvesting Structures |
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Coir Geo textiles |
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Percolation Ponds |
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Spring water development/Aquifer Protection |
Springs could be artesian, gravity or seepage type. As contamination is the major threat as far as spring water source is concerned, steps should be taken to prevent contaminants from flowing to the spring source. Starting at the highest point(s) at which there is evidence of spring water issuing from the soil, excavate narrow trenches uphill following the direction from which most of the water is flowing. Trench should be about 1.m. deep if sufficient water is flowing into the end of the trench from the ‘eye’ of the spring. Stone filled trenches and pipes are laid to convey water from the protected source. Required side walls, wing walls and aprons are proposed to maintain steady flow from the springs and to aid in better utilization of water. The springs thus rejuvenated is protected further by construction of diversion ditches and fences to prevent polluted surface water from flowing through the fence onto the site of the spring. |
Well recharge |
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